Find the right connection for you

Our flowchart will guide you to the most relevant Distributed Generation Connection for the electrical equipment (solar panels, battery storage, wind turbines, etc) you are planning to install. 
Find out more

Introduction to microgeneration

Microgeneration is a term used to describe a small-scale renewable energy system that can be generated from sources such as solar, wind or hydro. In recent years, there has been a large increase in the number of applications for these types of connections to our network. This is mainly due to technological advances, environmental issues and new government policies and incentives.

Appointing an Installer

To progress with your connection, you must contact an accredited installer (or equivalent) to arrange your generation connection for you. They will usually contact us on your behalf (although you may do this yourself), arrange all documentation and will generally keep you informed of what actions you may need to take. A list of installers can be found here.  

Connecting to our network

Once you have chosen your preferred type of generation, your generator will need to be connected to our network either through your existing supply or through a new connection. The size (kW) of the generator(s) will dictate which connection process you will need to follow. 

  • Installations up to 3.68kW per phase at a single premise

    Connecting microgeneration onto a single electricity supply
  • Installations up to 3.68kW per phase at more than one property

    Connecting microgeneration onto multiple electricity supplies
  • Installations above 3.68kW per phase but 50kW or less

    Connecting large generation onto single or multiple electricity supplies
  • G99 Fast Track Process

    Available installations onto a single-phase connection whereby inverter capacity of 3.68kW Generation and 3.68kW storage per phase and total export limited by G100 device to 3.68kW.
  • Tools and maps

    Our tools and maps can help you find relevant information throughout the connections process.
  • Connections meetings

    Still have further questions? Come and chat to us.

Do you know you have a choice?

Would you like to speak to us before you apply or have a question about an existing application?

Our team is available to help guide you through your generation journey and answer any questions you may have. If you would like to speak to us we are here Monday to Friday 08:00 - 17:00.
You have a choice